If your child has a food allergy (especially one requiring the use of an Epi-Pen) or special food needs, please notify Lansing immediately to ensure all staff and volunteers are made aware and can respond appropriately to any potential reactions. A list of allergies and special food needs is posted throughout the school.
Healthy daily snacks are provided for both Nursery and Preschool children. Snacks are based on the nutritional recommendations of the Canada Food Guide. Special snacks, such as cookies or mini cupcakes, are provided at Halloween, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Easter, and birthdays. Snack and lunch menu schedules are posted in the kitchen and in the Parents’ Room on a bi-weekly basis. Daily notifications of what your child ate, and how much they ate, are emailed daily via the HiMama app. |
Preschool children are served a hot nutritious lunch daily. Lunch is catered by a company that specialises in children’s lunches. Their menus follow the Child Care and Early Years Act requirements for nutritional value recommend by the Canada Food Guide.