Didn't get a spot? No problem. Join the Lansing Wait List!
Each Lansing program has its own individual Wait List. Spaces are created when a child leaves a program during the school year*. Spaces frequently open up during the school year as families leave the school (e.g. move to a different area).
* The Lansing school year runs from September to June with Program Registration starting in February.
Information required
Child’s name and date of birth
Desired program and number of days (E.g. Nursery 5-Day)
Contact information - Parent/guardian’s name, address, telephone number and email address.
If there any changes to your contact information, please contact Lansing to update your file.
How the Lansing Wait List Works
Please call or e-mail Lansing to add your name to the desired program Wait List.
Your position on the Wait List will be determined by the date you call, leave a message or send an email to request a place in a program. The earlier you contact Lansing, the higher your position (seniority) will be on the Wait List.
There is no specified length of time that you need to be on the Wait List in order to be offered a space in a program.
Children within the current Lansing programs will be given priority to programs or days available at the school.
Notice for available spaces will be given 4-6 weeks in advance as the required withdrawal notice for programs is 1 month.
A formal written confirmation of a withdrawal from a program is required before the space is offered to families on the Wait List.
When a space in a program opens up, families on the Wait List will be contacted by Lansing. Families need to contact Lansing within a specified time frame to express continued interest in the space available.
Of the Wait List families that contacted Lansing within this specified time frame, the family with the highest position (seniority) on the list will be given priority for the available space.
If your child is officially offered a space and you wish to accept it, you need to make an appointment at Lansing to submit the completed registration forms and post-dated cheques.
Lansing will contact the unsuccessful Wait List families that expressed continued interest to inform them that the space has been filled.
If you are called for a space but do not wish to take it at that time, your position (seniority) on the Wait List remains unchanged.
You may call or email at any time to change the information on your file with no consequence.
You may call or email at any time to determine your position (seniority) on the Wait List. The privacy and confidentiality of the children listed on the Wait List will be maintained.
You will remain on the Wait List until the end of the school year in June.